News and letters
Enjoying the Logging Articles

It was with great interest, that I read Peter Evans’ series of articles, Logging by Steam in Victorian Forests, in recent issues, as I spent my early childhood at Ezard’s No. 2 Mill on the slopes of Mount Erica, about 10 miles north of the Erica township. My father, Charles Stayches, was a Bush Boss, together with George O’Byrne. They usually operated two winches at a time, about a mile apart, to keep the mill supplied wih logs. I spent a great deal of my school holidays with the winch drivers, and they always made me welcome. They explained how they operated, and the maintenance required. The steam winches were attended to by two men, one driving and one cutting the firewood. The Lidgerwood was considered to be a better machine than the Harman. 

The Skyline system was not used unless it was essential, as it took a great

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