A Union Gas Engine
1 min read

This Union gas engine is the property of the Joseph & Eliza Newman Museum at Bowraville. Made by the Union Gas Engine Company, it is a very rare, early vertical, open crank, sideshaft, ignitor marine engine similar to, but pre-dating, the Frisco. The latest patent date on the engine plate is 1902. 

Andy Moran of the Hunter Valley Vintage Farm Machinery Club, together with Bob Bright of the Sydney Antique Machinery Club and the National Maritime Museum, as well as Cam Grundy (also from the Hunter Valley Club), offered to restore the engine on the understanding that, while it remained the property of, and in the possession of the Museum, they could rally it from time to time. The Museum agreed to this arrangement, and the engine was taken to Newcastle for restoration. 

On Tuesday, 2nd December, Andy Moran returned the engine in running order to the Museum and demonstrated it to those assembled for the event. It ran quite reliably for over twenty minutes and Andy can take a bow for a job well done - a dead exhibit lives again, and all in under three months! 

Missing Magneto

While at the Museum, it was discovered that someone had stolen the Webster tri-polar magneto from their International Famous engine. This is an early model, Serial Number LA26235E developing 3hp at 360rpm and, up until the magneto went missing, it was a running exhibit. If anyone knows the correct model magneto for this engine, could you please enlighten me. 

Does someone have a suitable magneto? The Museum has a smaller tri-polar magneto, type 185, that could be swapped for it. 

If you can help, please contact me. If this appeal fails, the magneto they still have will be adapted to do the job. *Mick Schuppe, Macksville, NSW (02) 65684099
