Chapter 19 Members of ACMOC Tour Tassie

The Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club (ACMOC) Chapters in Australia, while still relatively new associations, continue to grow in membership. Currently located in Queensland, NSW, and Victoria (Victoria covers South Australia and Tasmania as well at the moment), they are constantly looking for ways to provide opportunities for members to gather locally and share experiences for the benefit of all, whether or not they own, or are restoring a tractor. 

Recently, a contingent of mainland Chapter 19 members flew down to Tasmania to meet up with fellow Chapter members and tour the Elphinstone Pty Ltd facilities, which continues to represent the best of current Australian heavy equipment and component manufacturing. This is at a time where this type of manufacturing is in danger of becoming relegated to the pages of past history! 

President, Neil Clydsdale, became the roving reporter covering the Tasmania

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