Barr & Stroud Engine - Using the Burt & McCollum Single Sleeve Valve System
4 min read

This interesting small British lighting plant was made by Austinlite, and has been restored by the owner, Dave Chudleigh, from the Baw Baw Old Engine & Auto Club, in West Gippsland, Victoria. Its unusual feature lies in the valve arrangement of the engine, a Burt & McCollumsingle sleeve valve.

 The engine is a Barr & Stroud single cylinder type, which is direct coupled to a BTH 32 volt, 28 amp generator, running at 1,250rpm.

This single sleeve provides two inlet and two exhaust ports, effectively making it a four valve cylinder. Cooling is by thermo-syphon, and oiling is, unusually for such a small engine, provided by a gear pump, having a fully pressurised crankshaft. Workmanship is excellent throughout both the engine and generator.

Unlike the more familiar twin sleeve system, where the two sleeves reciproc

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